Emmanuel Missions
As a Church we are committed to the Great Commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-21: To take the Gospel, under and with the Authority of Jesus, to our town, county, country and world, making Disciples, Baptizing and teaching.
We support many local mission minded ministries and support missions worldwide through those who have gone out, even from own congregation to reach the world for Christ! Join us in supporting our Missions and Missionaries financially, prayerfully, and by serving. We promote and have many missions trips and experiences throughout the year and encourage every person at Emmanuel to be involved in at least one Missions Ministry.
To learn more about any of our Missions at Emmanuel, click on any particular mission in the list to the right to learn more about it and how to be a supprot!
We have a small missions committee at Emmanuel, to see a copy of the minutes from the last missions meeting, click here. if you would like more information on our missions and how you can be involved, please contact Ken Conley or Pastor Peter Spragg